Leisung can aid your educational institution in collaborating more effectively, whether you require audio-visual support or are simply seeking a novel approach to interacting with your teachers and students. Contact one of our experts right away to enhance your learning environment.
A school sound system may consist of a central audio system in the school hall as well as loudspeakers distributed throughout classrooms and corridors for paging, emergency announcements or class change signaling
Your school hall sound system may be used for assemblies, school productions or to address prospective parents viewing the school for the first time, so clear, intelligible speech is vital in addition to full rich sound supporting video presentations.
A classroom sound system usually consists of a sound field system enabling localized audio enhancement with a teachers wireless microphone, audio amplifier and speakers improving control in the classroom through more effective communication and reduced vocal fatigue.
Interactive LED Smart boards enable interactivity and hands-on experience for students who can easily manipulate objects, draw and collaborate in groups beside a large screen. Touch gestures such as zooming, flicking and rotating objects is supported while the screen quality is always in full HD. Low friction allows you to swipe across a board with ease and the low glare glass can help reduce irritating reflections from light sources
Interactive whiteboard installations are designed to be used with a computer system or digital control system and a mounted projector directed at the board itself.
Education institutions are well known for being strewn with leaflets, pamphlets, notices and signs, all advertising a myriad of activities, events and class schedules that need to be communicated every day. Today all this can be replaced with Digital Signage
Video Walls are typically a number of panels joined together to form a single or multiple of images created via either external or proprietary software. This type of medium is typically used in public spaces such as school foyers, tertiary education spaces and will help the school project its brand image to its visitors.
AI is already improving traditional teaching methods by enhancing their best aspects and correcting their flaws. While teachers struggle to manage their time, AI can be available for students 24/7, encouraging remote learning. It can even take care of many tedious administrative tasks allowing teachers more time to focus on their students..
A more mobile environment is a more dynamic environment, and going wireless is one step educators can take towards a more dynamic learning space. Educators can operate their laptop or tablet from anywhere in the room with wireless AV gear. In a more dynamic environment, educators become more flexible, allowing them to instruct to the class and help individual students at the same time. It’s an area we’re definitely going to see more schools exploring in the coming year.
There are two ways Mixed Reality can be used in the classroom. The first is more traditional, it involves a desktop set up in which students explore a virtual environment using computer, keyboard, mouse, or some other input device, for example a wireless controller: this is properly defined as Virtual Reality.
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1002, Suntech Towers
Dubai Silicon Oasis,
P.O.Box 624606,
United Arab Emirates